Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Koine Greek Spot 3 Romans 12:2 Be A Transformer

We often hear among Christians, discussions concerning the new life we have in Christ. These discussions usually send me searching God's Word for information as to what this might mean. Romans 12:2 can help us with part of our enquiry (this is not the whole picture so be sure to be a Good Berean [Acts 17:11] and search the Scriptures for yourself). Lets take a look.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).

I would like to pull just two words out of this verse for us to examine further (and as per usual, I have to say there is so much more we could examine with just one word here, let alone a verse/chapter/book so this will only be a part of what is possible to learn from a word) . The Greek used for "be conformed" is from the root "suschametizo"  (highlighted in green above). It means to form according to a pattern or mold. The way Paul uses the word here (those with an understanding of the Koine will know this is  most likely a Passive, Imperitive) it is with the power of a command, not a suggestion. So do not be formed in the pattern of this world. I think another aspect of this part of this verse is that it highlights the fact that we can be molded in a worldly fashion. I would suggest some of us have not been aware of this conformity. We are now.

The next term I would like to examine is "be transformed", from the Greek root "metamorphoo" (see the  word highlighted in yellow above"). It means "be transformed" "transform; change in form" It is the same word that is used in the report of the transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:2) so the word can be used both literally or figuratively. So I think Paul is saying do not be conformed to the things of this age, the worldy/fleshly life, but become something new (think of the metamorphosis of a tadpole to a frog) by renewing your mind.

This change we are being told to make is what I believe to be a part of our new life in Christ. It is something we must do, it is not done for us. I would suggest that if we have been a believer for sometime, and there is no visible change in our lives, we need to examine ourselves as suggested by Paul who says "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test? (2 Corinthians 13:5).

Take sometime to examine your Christian walk. Has there been change in your life (for the better) from when you first believed? Do you need to renew your mind further or will you allow this present age to fashion you? The choice is yours.

I think we will revisit this verse in our next Koine spot. There is just way too much here to skip over. Check back soon. I think you'll be interested to see where we go with this next.

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