Saturday, 9 June 2012

FutureQuake Southern Hemisphere Podcast Show 30

  • Hunting the Australian Yowie
  • Nigerias unknown visitors
  • The trade in human tattoed heads
  • Mother ships in the mother city
  • Paying for football goals
  • UFO's
  • Attack of the kangaroos

You can download the podcast show directly from here:

You can view the website here:

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Lying to children: What are the potential consequences?

Should we tell our children that Santa will visit at Christmas time? Or that the Tooth Fairy or Easter Bunny will visit? Are there potential negative consequences for what is essentially lying to them? This article will examine these issues and it should be understood that it is written with the assumption that most would agree that lying (being deliberately untruthful) is Biblically unacceptable (Leviticus 19:11, Proverbs 14:5, Ephesians 4:25). As I write this I am also aware that many readers might think the argument being formed here is perhaps extreme. However, when we understand what the consequences can be, it is my hope that some who think this extreme, may have a change of heart. I will form my argument using both anecdotal evidence and scriptural references and then allow the reader to come to their own conclusions.

We live in an age where not everything is as pleasant as we would prefer and thus many of us who are parents try to shield our children from the worst aspects of it. Indeed, some of us not only attempt to shield them but we try to enhance their lives, to make their lives more comfortable than perhaps ours were at their age. For this reason I am sure many look for opportunities to lavish gifts upon their children, especially at Christmas and Easter time. Now as to whether believers should celebrate these holidays or not, is an issue too wide for the focus of this article so we will not be delving into that. What we will be examining is whether it is ok to lie to children about Santa and the Easter Bunny, even if it is for the reasons outlined above, and what the consequences of that might be.

Some years ago some friends of  ours shared with us that their young child was having trouble sleeping in her own room because she was frightened of the Easter Bunny. Now this couple were believers so we asked how the child had got into such a state about something as unbiblical as the Easter Bunny. I believe the child was uncomfortable with the idea that some 'creature' would sneak into her room uninvited whether she were present or not. Nevertheless, her parents proceeded to tell us that they told her (like many parents do) that the Easter Bunny would come to visit and drop off Easter eggs for her. We suggested perhaps prayer might help and telling the child the truth; ie. the Easter Bunny does not exist . Now thankfully I believe this is what happened but their attitude up to this point had been similar to that outlined in the introduction; ie. we want them to have a better life than we did as children and we do not want them to 'miss out' having a happy and fun-filled childhood, and after all, Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny are just a bit of fun. Perhaps for some, but not for this frightened little girl.

It was about this time that it occurred to my wife and I that lying to children, even for 'good reasons' might not be such a good idea. The problem as we came to see it is that if we lie to our children when they are young, we take the risk that they will not believe anything we say after they realise they have been tricked. On a personal note, we never lied to our children about Santa or the Easter Bunny but we did tell them "not to spoil the fun for the other kids at school or for their friends". Perhaps this attitude is a topic for another article.

So moving on then, recently, we heard the following anecdote from a lady who is part of our local fellowship. This anecdote was the final motivation for writing this blog entry. For the purposes of this article we will call her 'Toni'. Toni told us the following about her unbelieving relative 'Marie'. Toni explained that over a period of time, whenever she mentioned the things of God to Marie (a woman of about 50 years of age), Marie would exclaim something like "Oh you don't still believe that do ya? Toni used the example of the narrative concerning Noah and the ark. Now Toni thought that the more educated Marie had become, the less she believe in God. Now this is probably an assumption many of us might make about some people we know who do not, or no longer, believe. However, only a few weeks ago did Toni realise that this was not the case with Marie. Toni explained that recently Marie had declared that as a child of about 12 she found out that Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny were not real.  This then led to her surmising that perhaps God was not real either. So Toni realised that it was not an education that kept Marie from believing in God but that she had been misled as a child and this in turn led to her unbelief.

So what is the Bible's attitude toward lying (further than the scriptures offered above). Well, according to Acts chapter 5 we see that lying can lead to physical death (Ananias & Sapphira). Now some might consider that somewhat extreme and perhaps not applicable to an argument against lying to children about fairy tales, but it does show that lying can indeed have negative consequences. Perhaps the simplest way the scriptures can put it can be found in the book of Colossians which simply states;  Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices (Colossians 3:9). So we see from this scripture a command, do not lie, and the reason? Because it is an evil pratice that we should set aside. It is so simple a child could understand it.

So with these anecdotes in mind, and with the Bible's attitude toward lying, I think we can make a strong argument against lying to children about Santa and other fairy tales, no matter how good our intentions. Scripture states that we should Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6), and I believe that when we lie to them, we do them a great dis-service, even perhaps to the point that they may never believe in God. The author of Hebrews declares "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6). So it is clear that we must believe in God if we are to please Him and have a relationship with Him. We should never do anything that might hinder our children's faith in the Creator.  It is our hope that this brief and simple article might encourage you to foster a belief in God within your children. We believe this is partially achieved by not lying to them about anything. May God bless all the parents who are prepared to tell their children the truth despite the pressures from society or anything else for that matter. Thankyou for taking the time to read this simple article.

Note: Thank you to everyone who have shared our blog with others. May God bless you.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Are you a passive or active consumer of media? (Cultural dupes pt 2)

In this article I would like to build on an earlier post with similar themes so if you haven't already read Culture Dupes or Defenders of the Faith  please take the time to do so as it will offer some background to what you will find here. Also in this article I will pose some questions that I sincerely hope will encourage you to consider and research for yourself, because frankly, I don't have all the answers.

All forms of electronic media make ideal tools for the promotion of ideas and beliefs, especially when these are wrapped in the form of entertainment; movies, TV series, music etc. A great deal of research has been done on this topic in both the secular and Christian fields and I cannot improve on what is available (for a thorough examination of both the music and film industries, from a Christian perspective, see some of Pastor Joe Schimmels work; They sold their souls for rock n roll, Hollywood unmasked, Hollywood's war on God. I have links to his sites. Look to the right of this article under 'some sites I like'). It is my contention that a great deal of what we all see and listen to on a daily basis would have been considered propaganda during the first-half of the 20th century (consider Hitler, Edward Bernays etc), but we are so immersed in this multi-media driven culture that most of us are completely unaware of it.

The problem as I see it is too many of us have become passive viewers/listeners of media. Barely anyone promotes the idea of critical thought when watching TV or listening to music. (On a personal note, my first contact with the idea of critical thought came surprisingly from one of my secular tertiary degrees, which was underpinned by a socialist-feminist paradigm. Obviously that type of agenda has nothing to do with Biblical Christianity, and I did suffer a small amount of persecution, but The Lord used my time there to teach me to think actively [1 Peter 1:13 link to extended discussion on this verse can be found below] rather than passively, especially with regard to media). Now some might say its just entertainment, don't be such a wowser ("The term wowser - surely one of the most impressive and expressive of Australian coinages - is used to express healthy contempt for those who attempt to force their own morality on everyone" Meanings and origins of Australian words retrieved April 18, 2012 from

Now I don't want to be mistaken for a wowser (I amusingly note that the quote that I have referenced here is 'loaded' in that they suggest that it is healthy to have contempt for one. We must think critically when we read as well). I enjoy music and movies. However I know that they all come with an agenda, just as every thing labelled 'Christian' has an agenda, and rightly so provided if its a Biblical one.

So, as believers, we must be aware that all movies/songs/books have a moral or agenda and they are not all conducive for the building up of a healthy Christian mind/lifestyle. Some consistent themes in them are:
  • Anti-Christian/God/Jesus
  • If there is a God, he/she/it is unknowable
  • Pantheism
  • Panentheism
  • Gnosticism
  • Witchcraft/occult (often packaged as cool, sexy, funny etc and often disguised as positive)
  • Green issues; "protect 'mother' earth" (I do not believe the sensible preservation of natural habitats and related issues are wrong. What I disagree with is the veneration of nature [Romans 1:25]
  • Sex: Homosexual and heterosexual
  • Violence
I am not saying here that we should avoid every single movie, song or book. However what I am suggesting is that we should not accept any of them passively, but that we should be alert to the agendas within. We need to be active consumers of media so that we can perhaps avoid being propagandised by people with worldly, or even demonic, agendas. Perhaps you could consider doing some of your own research on the agendas of some of the better known authors and directors and find, like I have, that many have agendas and they do not shrink back from stating them.

To finish then, here are a couple of questions for you to consider in terms of our current dominant culture. Consider these in terms of the wider culture, not just media:
  • Did this culture just appear 'naturally' or was it created?
  • Does culture grow from the bottom up, by 'everyday ordinary' people, or is it handed down to us ordinary folk from 'culture-creators' eg. think-tanks, film/music studios, news media, research institutes, NGO's, private foundations and the like? [If you're answer to this question is yes or even maybe, then I sincerely hope you think about our culture a little more actively and do more research on the topic. Again, I would like the reader to understand I do NOT have all the answers. I am simply hoping to encourage you to think and research for yourself. This article might help you as a minor starting point].

Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth Colossians 3:1-2.

Some related articles:

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Culture Dupes Or Defenders Of The Faith?

 Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:15-17

It is my contention that the post modern church is becoming so much like the culture that surrounds it, that it seems to be increasingly difficult to tell the two apart. This is obviously a 'generalised' statement and will not apply to every assembly on the planet. However, in our attempt to become culturally relative and seeker friendly, I argue that many of our Churches have made compromises so that the unsaved might feel more comfortable among us. In this article, I set out to support my view from a Biblical perspective.

Before we get further into this entry let me define a couple of terms so everyone who reads this is on the same page, so to speak (no pun intended but I still grinned as I typed it). For the purposes of this entry, the following definitions are offered:

  • Culture: the behaviours and beliefs and characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group (see this source here). For the purposes of this entry this will be considered to be the current dominant post modernist Western culture.
  • Dupe: person who is fooled, victim, sucker, chump, fool, mark (see this source here).

It seems to me as time marches on and we move closer to the return of our Lord, the condition of the church (in its current post modern guise) is deteriorating. In our efforts and desires to attract more people to join us, we appear to be jettisoning a great deal of that which separates us from the (Worldly) culture we either live in or are influenced by (even if you do not live in the 'West' you are very likely to be influenced by its culture through its movies, music, education, other forms of media etc). So I wonder, by allowing so much of what the World offers into our churches, have we become dupes of the culture and ultimately dupes to our spiritual enemy; Satan? Rather than being defenders of the faith as they are called to be, have our Christian leaders become friends of the World?

Now, I am certain many of us have used the line "we are in the world but not of it", and to a certain extant this is true. To avoid contact with the things of the world we would have to leave the world (1 Corinthians 5:9-13). However, contact is one thing, conforming is another: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 (You can see a more thorough examination of this particular verse here. Take a look, it is well worth gaining an in depth understanding of the verse which I explored over two brief entries).

Now please do not get the idea that I am saying all music/movies/books/philosophies/behaviours/life-styles/material items etc are evil, because I do not believe that. However, if we are intended to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16), shouldn't we be 'counter-culture' type people rather than 'culture soakers'?  Why?  so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world Philippians 2:15. John wrote: We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one (1 John 5:19). Now if the whole world is under the power of evil, why would we allow worldly ways into our churches? Shouldn't the leaders of our churches be exposing evil rather than inviting it into our assemblies? To a certain extent, it seems that the 'foxes are now running the hen-houses'.

I believe it is a mistake to open our churches to the attitudes of the World by being so seeker friendly. We want others to join us so we soften the message and we compromise our sanctuaries. Consider these assertions of mine in light of the words of Jesus to his disciples: If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you" John 15:19 (John makes a similar statment Do not be surprised, brethren, if the world hates you. 1 john 3:13). Do I think we need to be hated just to prove ourselves? No. However, what a contrast many of our assemblies provide when examined in the pure light of God's Word. We shouldn't be seeking Worldly approval or love. Indeed, we should be demonstrating the love of God by our actions and by our adherence to His Word. How? By preaching both repentance and love, justice and mercy; the full counsel of God. We need to do this even at the risk of rejection by the World.

If you are reading this as a mature believer who has studied God's Word, you will be aware that God is not mocked. Indeed, with reference to my argument in this entry, we would do well to heed God's warnings. In the Book of James, we see that friendship with the World is akin to adultery; You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. James 4:4. So we see from James, that this is no 'light' issue. Yet look around you and you will see how many churches are trying to befriend the World. Do you think some of them are unwittingly (or otherwise) making themselves enemies of God?

We must be aware that a great deal of worldly influence has and will come into our churches from people who should know better. Consider that in John's day, false prophets/teachers went out from among the community of believers and I assume attempted to gather followers to themselves: They are from the world; therefore they speak as from the world, and the world listens to them 1 John 4:5. Cast an eye over the well known 'personalities' and the emerging 'superstars' of the post modern church and compare their teachings and 'fruit' to what you read in the Scriptures (Don't forget to check your own church against the Bible).

Ask yourself the following:
  • Do they preach repentance? (see my article on the word that the church needs to learn again here).
  • Do they teach their assemblies about both the mercy and justice of God?
  • Do they promote/display unbiblical spiritual (mystical?) actions? 
  • Is the service more like entertainment than worship?
  • Is the service more about the person/people than it is about the Lord?
Essentially, I have outlined an argument here against becoming worldly in a bid to attract new comers to our churches. I believe in doing so we soak up (and promote) the culture of the world instead of standing against it (the culture, not the people). Please understand my argument is against a worldly attitude and practise, not against the unsaved. We must keep in mind Christ died for all and it is not God's will that anyone perish (2 Peter 3:9).

I have a fair amount of anecdotal evidence that many 'solid' believers are leaving churches which have become seeker friendly/culturally relevant/mystical because they are no longer being 'fed' the 'meat' of the word by their Pastors. I have yet to see strong empirical evidence for this but to be honest I have not searched for it. Yet. Nevertheless much of what is coming over the pulpit is either 'milk' only, or worse still, error or deceit.

I feel some assertions made here raise some questions (Important note: Please please please, prayerfully consider these questions in the light of Scripture, please do not attempt to answer them without considering God's Word or you may misunderstand my intent. thank you.):
  • Is the church for believers or seekers?
  • Is there such a thing as a seeker or are there only believers and unbelievers?
  • Does the number of people in any individual church signify that the truth is being shared there?
  • Does the number of people in any individual church signify success or failure?
  • If any individual church has a large number of people in it, does this mean the leadership of that church have a better relationship with God than the leadership in a smaller church?
  • Because of the sheer weight of numbers, should the ones with the bigger church be heard more than those in a small one?
  • Do some churches have more cold or lukewarm people in the pews than hot? If so, why?
  • Does man add people to the Church (His Church, not the denominations or buildings we all attend) or does God?

I have posed a few questions in the writing of this entry that I am sure many will have the answers to. On a personal note, I would like the reader to understand I do not have all the answers. I have some, but I also have questions. Also, as I write this I am aware that some readers will be wondering what should we do if we are in a church that has surrendered its sovereignty to the current culture? If you have read my blog before you will realise that I have experienced much of what I write about. So here's what I would do:
  • Find a church where the Scriptures are taught and considered the final authority
  • If I couldn't find a Bible based church, I'd seek out like minded believers and start or join a home fellowship
  • If I couldn't achieve the suggestions above, I might be able to find fellowship online. I know there is very good teaching available online but even so we must be good Bereans (Acts 17:10-11) and know our Bibles.
Ultimately, the best advice I can offer is found in the Scriptures. If you find yourself feeling 'down' about the things discussed here; if you are in a situation as outlined here; listen to the author of the Book of Hebrews, who states: Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. (Hebrews 10:35-36).
Do not lose confidence, instead endure what you must. At the end of the day, we are all responsible for our own Christian 'walk'. So stand firm in the faith (1 Corinthians 16:13) and tuck under God's 'wing', and be a true overcomer. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:5. May God bless you as you seek the truth that is Jesus Christ.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Pharisee: A Label For Your Fellow Believer?

Note: This entry is a revision of an earlier post.

A good friend of mine (who has now gone home to the Lord) once told me how he had been labelled a Pharisee (for the most part, but not in every case, the term Pharisee will be used here in a pejorative sense) by some people in his church (including the leadership). With tears in his eyes he told me how he had been working hard in the church, to build it and support it, and because of his adherence to the Word of God, they called him a Pharisee. You could see it had broken his big old heart. Now I knew this brother and the last thing he could be called is a Pharisee, so it got me to thinking what is this preponderance in the Post Modern Church (though I hope it is on the wane now) to label fellow believers a Pharisee? It also caused me to wonder what the Bible had to say about the Pharisees that the term might be used in a pejorative sense in this era. What follows are my opinions/answers to these queries.

This brief examination of the modern use of the term Pharisee is in no way definitive, but what I think happens in many cases is that some mistake zeal, commitment, love for the Word/God/Jesus or whatever you might label it, for legalism. Then they somehow equate this with being a Pharisee. Perhaps this is because many of our churches have lost their way with regard to the Scriptures in the following manner:
  • 1. The Scriptures are not always the final authority on any given subject.
  • 2. The Scriptures are often twisted to suit the stance of the denomination/preacher. 
  • 3. Too many of us sit passively and listen to our Pastors/Preachers without checking the Scriptures for ourselves (See Acts 17:10-11 here).

Of course these assertions could be applied to a wider field of examination than just the term Pharisee. Indeed, many in the Post Modern Church are unable to understand truth from error because many of us lack a commitment to studying the "meat" of the Word (see 1 Corinthians 3:2  here). Therefore, many have fallen for lies/exaggerations/fables. I speak from experience here so I consider myself particularly qualified to comment.

So how can we avoid mis-labelling someone a Pharisee? By finding out what the Scriptures have to say!

Keep in mind this will be no thorough study on the Pharisees in the New Testament, but I hope to offer enough to show why we should NOT label our innocent fellow church-goers as such. Lets look at just two faults attributed to the Pharisees.

1. Hypocrisy. Did you know that Jesus actually told his disciples and the crowds to obey the Pharisees (and the Scribes) and to do everything they tell them to? Look at Matthew 23:1-3 1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. So on the one hand Jesus told them to heed what the Pharisees say, but not to copy what they do, because they were being hypocritical. There are other verses which demonstrate the hypocrisy of the Pharisees in the time of Jesus (see Matt 23:13-30, Luke 11) but suffice it to say that during the time of Jesus, they were described as being hypocritical. 

Was that last person one of us labelled a "Pharisee" a hypocrite? If not, they were mis-labelled.

2. The doctrines & traditions of men. We see in Matthew 15 some Pharisees (and Scribes) come to Jesus and ask him why His disciples transgress the traditions of the Elders, because they had not washed their hands. Read the whole episode for yourself (Matthew 15) but we see how Jesus takes the opportunity to in turn ask them why they transgress the commandments of God because of their traditions. Apparently the Pharisees had made it possible for one to avoid supporting his parents if he said that certain items were put aside as a dedication to God, even while still being in possession of them. This in clear violation of the Biblical commands to honour one's parents (Exodus 20:12). Jesus went on to say "Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." (Matthew 15:6b-9). So we see here that another fault of the Pharisees in Jesus' day was going beyond what was written and promoting their own teachings/traditions above God's.

These two examples show us that at this time, the Pharisees could be seen as hypocritical and teachers of man-made doctrine. Let's keep this in mind before we incorrectly label anyone a 'Pharisee'. Just because someone is zealous for God and his Word, it does not mean they can be labelled a Pharisee. I can tell you that my friend who was labelled one was no hypocrite and was a "stickler" for the Word of God when he taught or preached, as opposed to being a purveyor of some self-help programme which is so often served up as Gospel in our churches today. 

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Use Your Mind, Don't Empty It: 1 Peter 1:13

For the most part, this blog is written under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Please understand, I am not saying I have any new revelation. I don't. All I have are the Holy Scriptures and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as I attempt to study and share what is within them (within the Scriptures). The reason I share this point is that this entry is no different to any other; ie. I am sharing what God is showing me but with a small difference. This scripture just happens to be a personal favourite, so I am pleased to be led to share it. It's always good when this happens, don't you agree? :-)

 "Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 1:13).

As usual, I strongly urge you to read this verse in context, so let us assume you have at least read all of chapter 1.

Lets begin by 'unpacking' this verse. "Prepare your minds for action". Quite literally the Greek verb this clause is based upon  means to "gird up" (KJV has "gird up the loins of your mind"). It was used in relation to the habit of binding up ones robes in preparation for work or perhaps a journey. Hence here it used in a metaphorical sense for "getting your mind ready for action". It is also interesting to note that the verb we are discussing is an imperative participle in the Greek, so it carries the weight of a command, not a suggestion. Now there is even more to this verb in Greek (eg. because it is also an aorist participle, it could be translated as "having bound up") but I think we have enough here to understand the main point.

This exhortation by Peter to the reader is the antithesis (click here for a description of the word and its use. It's a great word derived from the Greek) to various mystical teachings both within and outside of the Church. Some argue that to come closer to God, we first need to 'empty our minds'. Well I disagree with that assertion. We have been given minds to use them, not disengage them, and we don't need to go a lot further than the next part of the verse to bolster the argument (Here are just a few other verses you could look at that could also support the argument: 1 Peter 5:8, Mark 13:33, 1 Corinthians 16:13).

So the verse continues "be self controlled" (NIV) or "be sober" (KJV). The Greek verb that this is based upon is also an imperative so we know it carries the weight of a command to  "be well balanced, self-controlled" (BDAG p.672).

Next lets look at the Greek adverb that "completely" is based upon. Now some versions have "completely" or "fully". Both of these are acceptable as it could also be translated "perfectly" or "altogether" as well (BDAG p.997). So we are to set or fix our hope completely on this grace that we will receive at the Revelation of our Lord Jesus (see also verse 7 which also ends in identical fashion which in Greek is "at the revelation of Jesus Christ").

So to finish then, we can say that it is God's intention for us to use our minds and to stay in control. We are not to switch off our brains because in my opinion, that could lead to loss of self-control, which is the opposite of what Peter has exhorted believers to do.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Greek Spot 6: Acts 26:20 Repent And Turn To God

"First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their
repentance by their deeds". Acts 26:20.

This weeks entry is a little 'deeper' than most, but I hope you stay with it as we will be mining gold in the Word of God and that is always rewarding. Lets examine Acts 26:20.

The background to this verse sees Paul before King Agrippa and the Governor Festus. You should take the time to read it, perhaps from Chapter 21 as there is so much going on in an historical sense that it is better than any drama you might see presented on your television. Anyway, Paul is giving his defense and this involves his description of his activities leading up to his arrest. So we come to the verse we are examining today; Acts 26:20.

In a sense, this verse encapsulates Paul's ministry since his 'Damascus Road' encounter and is summed up in these few words "I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prover their repentance by their deeds". Many of us would do well to emulate this; to both repent and preach repentance (See our earlier entry on repentance here).

So lets dig a little deeper into this...

The word used for preached in the Greek is 'apagello" (pronounced apangello). Here it is used in the imperfect sense so it could legitimately be translated "I kept declaring", which is how it is translated in the NASB version. Next we have the word repent, which in the Koine is 'metanoeo' which means to change one's mind, feel remorseful, repent (BDAG p. 640). In this instance it is an infinitive verb, present active, so it means to repent, therefore as most translations have it "they should repent" is accurate within the context of the sentence.

Next we have turn, which is from the Greek word 'epistrepho' which means to change one's mind or course of action, for better or worse, turn, return (BDAG p. 382). I personally like the idea that perhaps (this is indeed a 'perhaps') we could use the word 'return' here since it reminds me of Paul's discussion regarding the "Ministry of Reconciliation' "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:  that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God" 2 Corinthians 5:18-20. Nevertheless, the majority of English Bibles use the word turn and I certainly agree with the translation. (the Bible In Basic English [BBE] version has it as 'being turned' which is a possibility since one resource I examined has the word as an aorist verb [Analytical Greek New Testament, UBS3, p. 460]). So we have "I preached that they should repent and turn to God".

For the sake of simplicity we will examine the last part of the sentence as a whole; this is because of the way the last part of the sentence is constructed in the Koine.

Here are just a few examples of well known translations:
  • NASB: "performing deeds appropriate to repentance".
  • NIV: "prove their repentance by their deeds".
  • NLT: "prove they have changed by the good things they do".

This part of the sentence uses these main words. They are not used in this order in the text but for the sake of English translation I have presented them in the following manner:
  • Prasso: Practice, exercise, do
  • Ergon: Deeds, works
  • Axios: Worthy, deserving
  • Metanoia: Repentance (noun)
 So for the second part of this verse (and the part we are concentrating on here), my 'raw' translation from the Greek goes something like "repent and turn to God, practicing works worthy of repentance".

So what have learned here? Well we can agree that the major translations have got this verse right, with a shade of nuance here or there. Another thing we have learned is that this simple verse encapsulates Paul's ministry up to his meeting with Agrippa. We can also see that Paul's preaching involved a recommendation (repent and turn to God) and a required response if accepted (prove your repentance by what you do). I think this verse also raises two important questions for us;

1/ What does it mean for us?

2/ What does it mean for the people we want to reach with the Gospel?

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Sunday, 15 January 2012

Doctrine Is Not A Dirty Word

Welcome to our first post for 2012. We hope you had a happy and safe holiday season.

Have you ever had conversations about scripture with Christian brothers & sisters where at some point in the discussion someone says "well that's just a matter of doctrine"? I have. One brother I was talking to popped out this little gem to let me know that somehow the scriptures I was talking about were not that important to him since they were just 'a matter of doctrine'. I have heard from others that this is not an uncommon occurrence so I thought it worthwhile to dig into the Word of God to see what He thinks.

To gain a more thorough understanding of this weeks blog, you might like to read 1 Timothy chapter 4 for some background.
For the most part, when the New Testament mentions doctrine or teaching, it is based up the Greek word 'Didasko' which basically means 'to tell, to teach, to instruct' in a formal or informal setting (The Greek word for teacher is 'didaskalos' and the word for the activity of teaching is 'didache') [BDAG pp.240-241].

The Bible is quite clear that doctrine is important. Paul wrote to Timothy and said "Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you" (1 Timothy 4:16.). We can see from this verse just how critical proper teaching (doctrine) can be. Did you realise that your salvation and that of others depends on it? I am certain many of you reading this will realise this and you probably won't need to read further because you understand the gravity of the argument being proposed here. However, some people will argue that once someone has made a decision for Christ, they don't need to do much more, let alone be concerned with doctrine. Right? Well Paul says "Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude" (Colossians 2:6-7). So receiving Christ is just the beginning. We need to continue in him, being strengthened and established, as instructed (doctrine).

So far in our brief investigation here we have been discussing biblical doctrine. Are there doctrines other than that contained in the Bible that we need to be aware of? While writing to Timothy, Paul warned of two types of unsound teaching; that of false teachers and that of spiritual entities, demonic beings. We see his warnings in the following:

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires" (2 Timothy 4:3).

"But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons" (1 Timothy 4:1)

It is clear from just the few scriptures offered here that there are both good and bad teachings. So how do we know what is Godly doctrine and what is not? By studying God's Word, which states: "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work". (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We must know what the Bible says so we know what to believe, how to live and to avoid being led astray. This is acheived with sound biblical doctrine.

A major hindrance to the understanding of God's Word today is the cult of personality. Many in the Post Modern Church have become followers of personalities, instead of Jesus and His teachings (Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me" John 14:23-24). Too often people listen to the most popular personalities and celebrities in present day "Christendom' and swallow everything they preach without being a good Berean and checking if it is so (Acts 17:10-13).

I have personally shown brothers and sisters the Biblical error of some of these people but they still follow them because they "love them". I suppose some people cannot/will not see past the 'cult of the peronality' to see the truth, even if it is plainly presented. However, this is not what God wants for us. We are not supposed to be following after these preachers and teachers and their doctrines; "As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming" (Ephesians 4:14). Also see Mark 7:7.

I hope we have covered enough here to perhaps encourage to investigate concept of doctrine a little further. On a personal note, I do not wish to give the impression here or anywhere within this blog that I 'have it all together'. I do not. I just hope I offer enough here to encourage you to dig into God's Word and to be a follower of Jesus and not of man.

To finish then, it is my contention that doctrine is not a dirty word. Without sound doctrine, how can we understand things like the trinity, who Jesus is, how to conduct ourselves, how to conduct a church service and the list goes on. We must discuss doctrine and we are duty bound to understand the doctrines of our faith. We also must understand what the doctrines of error are if we are to avoid being deceived and the only way to achieve this is to have a thorough understanding of the Scriptures.

If you have been edified by this study you can read more by using the month by month archive on the right or you can sign up for emails updates. Also, please be sure to leave a comment. God bless.